Wednesday 9 January 2008


Team Approximate Presentation Schedule

Presentation #1- Front-end analysis and initial plans for prototype

January 30

Presentation #2 - Usability testing and high fidelity prototype

March 5

Presentation #3 - Formative evaluation and delivered product

April 2

Deliverables are due at the end of class on the day of presentations.

Criteria for Marking Deliverables

Each member of our team will turn in an organized notebook (a portfolio) of work in progress at each of the presentation milestones. We will update the portfolio at each class meeting.

Appropriateness of Products and Process (25%)

- design and production decisions and activities reflect both solid instructional strategies and responsiveness to the constraints of this project at this stage

- amount of effort indicated by the deliverables and presentation is consistent with the requirements of the project at this stage

- indicators reveal the use of effective, efficient processes for design, production, and formative evaluation

Clarity (20%)

- design and production decisions and activities are apprehendable to the observer through team documentation/presentations

- justification for design and production decisions and activities are explained thoroughly and succinctly

- usability test documents describe gathering and analysis of data adequately; findings are reported accurately

Production Value (15%)

- deliverables indicate conscious decisions regarding production value

- production value of materials matches the team's intentions for each stage of the process

Message Design and Information Design (20%)

- design decisions are consistent with the strengths and weaknesses of the medium in which the materials are being produced

- design decisions support the instructional strategies built into the product

- media elements are well integrated

- use of media is consistent with applicable principles of design; variation resulting from specific test results is adequately justified

Presentation Quality (20%)

- presentation is thorough

- presentation is understandable

- presentation indicates active participation in the project by all team members

- use of presentation techniques and materials is professional

- presentation meets time constraints

Readings Reports schedule

Reading #1

Wed, Jan 23

Reading #2

Wed, Feb 27

Reading #3

Wed, Mar 26

Individual Reports (given orally reports at team meetings)

Individual reports are due at each class meeting. Individual reports give you the chance to reflect for yourself on the project and the process in which you are participating, and gives me the chance to provide individual feedback to you when it seems appropriate.

Your reports should follow this format:

What I did--

list the activities you have taken part in to contribute to the project's progress; these do not have to activities you did alone, but you should only list the activities in which you played a contributing role -- be specific; say exactly what you did.

My assessment of the project and our process --

give your assessment of what is going well and what is not going well with your project; be realistic and thoughtful

Criteria for Individual Reports

Your individual reports must be:

- thorough,

- specific,

- thoughtful, and

- timely.

Self/peer evaluations

Self/peer evaluations three times during the semester. A team evaluation will consist of ratings from each team member for each of the others and for yourself.

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